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Fabrizio Ruggiero

Fabrizio Ruggiero

The path

Between 1966 and 1978 Fabrizio Ruggiero created hand-painted and printed textiles for pret-à-porter collections, gradually being involved in planning the full cycle of printed and woven necktie and foulard collections in silk and cashmere.

Thus Fabrizio Ruggiero had occasion to take part in that "Challenge of restrictions" in shaping patterns that, as Sir E. H. Gombrich says: " offers an incomparable understanding of the operations of our sense of order in the perception of complex patterns".

Towards the end of that period Fabrizio Ruggiero focused his attention on the study of rhythmic structures and on the interesting phenomena illustrating the enrichment of information, that results when a description melts with another. Fabrizio Ruggiero has gathered the results of his research in a graphic port-folio containing geometrical patterns divided by families according to what L: Wittgenstain calls " familiar resemblance ".

An interest in perception theory developed during the years he was studying architecture and a passion for oriental thinking led him to spend six years in the Indian sub-continent in successive journeys between 1971 and 1984, where he came in touch with Indian philosophy as a "point of view " (Darshan) into which perception and form theory naturally develops as the rules and practice of life.

In 1984 Fabrizio Ruggiero settled his studio up in the hills surrounding Anghiari, in Tuscany, Italy and founded ARCHITECTURA PICTA workshop specialised in contemporary fresco paintings.

Fabrizio Ruggiero's preferred technique is that of the fresco which he carries out using cartoons and glazes and the modem technological innovations that allow him to create his pieces in his own studio, even for large surface areas, and then mount the final work in its intended site.

To make his works more effective they are often constructed as an assembly of different materials.

ARCHITECTURA PICTA is a flexible structure, able to plan and construct wall paintings by fresco of the highest quality in accordance with the client's needs.

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